Who is this NFT artist Nifty Synth, that has become so popular within the Ravencoin community? Art collectors like to know about about the artists that created the art pieces they collect. The same thing happens with digital art and NFTs. We all want to know things about these gifted individuals. Below are a few questions artist Nifty Sunth answered for cryptoarticles, to help us get to know him and what drives him.
Where are you from and what is your background?
I’m from the UK near London, my working background is in IT & Networking.
How/when did you discover you were into art?
I’ve always avoided anything more advanced than pixels in the past thinking I wouldn’t be able to make anything good, but it was NFTs that got me into 3D sculpting and I’ve been practicing ever since.
How long have you been doing digital art?
I really only started back in April this year – it’s been a pretty wild ride since then and I’m hoping I’ve improved a little along the way!
Looking at the first model I ever made in nomad compared to some of the more recent ones is interesting!

Other than 3D, I’ve done some pixel art in the past – and this was something I returned to in order to make some of the more interactive NFTs, like the Synth Pets.
What influences and/or inspires you?
I want to make things that I would want to collect mostly, and a lot of the inspiration comes from nostalgia.
I’m often influenced by films, games, books and other forms of media in what I make.
Without giving away your secret sauce, what can you share about your process for art creation?
For the more interactive stuff I use Javascript/HTML5 to show the content in the browser, this is mainly for gaming type NFT’s. Also use a few common IDE’s.
For 3D interactive models I tend to use Nomad Sculpt and usually some editing in blender to get materials and effects right ready for display.
Historically I’ve used a tool called model-viewer to display 3D content, and it’s a great one to use for general purposes. More advanced NFT’s on RVN have started to use ThreeJS, and that’s a direction I want to go in as well as utilizing other similar tools.
Why do you use RVN for minting your NFTs?
RVN gives the most freedom! A lot of it is down to the more direct IPFS integration than you see with other chains, but there’s really no limit on content types that can be NFT’s on RVN. It’s also quite low cost for minting.
Because of this we’ll see some very advanced smart-NFT’s and chain services on RVN in the months to come.
Are there any NFTs that are near and dear to you and why?
It’s hard to pick but I think you always hold your first few NFTs in a special place, so one of the first ones I got and one that would definitely be a favorite is this one by @mxcclxxd

What’s your take on what gives value to NFTs?
I think that it differs between chains and between collectors, with RVN there’s the initial burn cost first which gives the token a base value upon creation. Whether that’s 5, 100 or 500 RVN.
There’s the relative permanence of an NFT. If you are buying a piece of 1/1 physical art it can be lost, damaged or destroyed by bad luck, and it will deteriorate over time. With an NFT version of that art these problems are eliminated. How many years will the original Mona Lisa painting last at this point…
Also with Collectibles, things like trading cards & action figures can definitely scratch the same itch that grabbing a physical item will – and at times more so. Plus everyone loves a unique profile picture, verifiable on the chain!
Resale has been a thing on other chains for a long time, and it’s starting to come to RVN as well via marketplaces like JustNFTs – so there’s also this factor of possibly being able to profit from resale of an asset in future.
What are some of your goals in this space?
I want to keep exploring new types of NFTs and in future I’ll spend more time on the gaming side of things. Hopefully some online multiplayer stuff on-chain.
I want to try and link up as many of my previous sub-token NFT’s into a metaverse as well.
What would you say to other artists that may be considering minting NFTs, but don’t know how to start?
I’d 100% recommend it, decentralized self-publishing for all!
There’s the agency route or the solo route. If you want to avoid the 500 RVN minting fee for your brand or project – you can check out the non-profit RVNFT.ART who will assist you in minting and getting your creations on chain.
If you want to go at it alone you’ll need 505+ RVN to get started, think about what your main token name should be, and what it’ll be used for, will you be giving those tokens out, should it be divisible, and does it need an IPFS content link.
You can grab raven core wallet to mint, for the quick route you can use MangoFarms – their website has everything you need to get started minting as well as a handy asset wallet.
NFT Artist Nifty Synth’s followers
In preparing for this interview with NFT artist Nifty Synth, I approached a few of the NFT collectors that follow his work closely. Obviously, they all had great things to say about Synth. The tweet below from @Ontheblok_io tells the story.
Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed learning from one of your favorite NFT creators – NFT Artist Nifty Synth. You can support Synth and other NFT artists at JustNFTs.IO. And please consider sharing this article.