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The Convergence of Cryptocurrencies and AI: The Future of Money

Cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence (AI) are two groundbreaking technologies that are shaping the future of money and revolutionizing industries. The convergence of these two fields brings forth a myriad of possibilities, from enhancing financial transactions and security to enabling intelligent decision-making and automation. In this article, we will explore the synergies between cryptocurrencies and AI, examine real-world examples of their applications, and delve into the challenges that need to be addressed for this convergence to reach its full potential.

Fraud Detection and Security:

AI can play a vital role in bolstering the security of cryptocurrency transactions. Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of transactional data to detect suspicious patterns and identify potential fraud. By continuously learning from historical data, AI-powered systems can enhance security measures, reduce the risk of unauthorized activities, and provide a robust defense against cyber threats in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Example: AI-powered platforms like Chainalysis leverage machine learning algorithms to trace the flow of cryptocurrencies, identify illicit activities, and support law enforcement agencies in combating money laundering and illicit transactions.

Market Analysis and Predictive Insights:

AI technologies can analyze market trends, sentiment analysis, and historical data to provide valuable insights for cryptocurrency investors. By processing vast amounts of data, AI algorithms can detect patterns, predict market fluctuations, and help investors make informed decisions. Sentiment analysis algorithms can analyze social media and news sentiment to gauge market sentiment, identify emerging trends, and provide predictive analytics.

Example: Cryptocurrency trading platforms like CryptoCompare leverage AI algorithms to provide real-time market data, sentiment analysis, and predictive insights to traders, enabling them to make more informed investment decisions.

Smart Contracts and Automation:

Smart contracts, powered by blockchain technology and AI, have the potential to revolutionize contractual agreements. AI algorithms can be integrated into smart contracts to automate complex decision-making processes and enable self-executing contracts. These smart contracts can automatically trigger actions based on predefined conditions, eliminating the need for intermediaries and streamlining transaction processes.

Example: Ethereum, a blockchain platform, enables the creation of decentralized applications (DApps) that leverage smart contracts. These DApps automate various processes, such as decentralized finance (DeFi) lending and borrowing, decentralized exchanges, and more.

Enhancing Wallet Security:

Wallet security is of utmost importance in the world of cryptocurrencies. AI can contribute to strengthening wallet security by implementing advanced encryption techniques, anomaly detection algorithms, and behavioral analysis. This helps protect users’ digital assets, mitigates the risk of hacking, and ensures a secure environment for storing and transacting cryptocurrencies. Projects like Trezor, a hardware wallet, utilize AI-backed security features to safeguard users’ private keys and provide an additional layer of protection.

Decentralized Applications (DApps):

The emergence of decentralized applications, or DApps, built on blockchain technology has opened up new possibilities for various industries. AI can enhance DApps by providing intelligent functionalities, such as personalized recommendations, data analysis, and machine learning algorithms. These AI-powered DApps offer improved user experiences and unlock innovative use cases, ranging from decentralized finance to supply chain management. For instance, projects like SingularityNET aim to create a decentralized AI network that enables collaboration and the development of AI-powered DApps.

Challenges Related to Cryptocurrencies and AI

Scalability and Speed:

Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, face scalability challenges when processing a large number of transactions. As AI applications and adoption grow, the demand for faster transaction processing becomes critical. Overcoming scalability issues while maintaining the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies is a significant challenge that requires innovative solutions.

Regulatory Landscape:

Cryptocurrencies operate in a complex regulatory landscape. Governments and regulatory bodies are grappling with creating clear guidelines and frameworks to govern cryptocurrencies and AI applications. Balancing innovation and consumer protection while addressing potential risks, such as money laundering and fraud, poses challenges in developing effective regulatory frameworks that encourage growth and innovation while mitigating potential threats.

Trust and Security:

Building trust and ensuring security in the cryptocurrency and AI space is crucial. Cryptocurrencies are susceptible to hacking, fraud, and theft. AI systems can also be vulnerable to attacks and malicious use. Establishing robust security measures, including encryption, secure key management, and decentralized infrastructure, is essential to protect user assets and maintain trust in the system.

Data Privacy and Ethics:

The convergence of cryptocurrencies and AI raises important considerations regarding data privacy and ethics. As AI technologies require vast amounts of data, it is crucial to protect user privacy and ensure that data is handled securely. Ethical frameworks should be established to govern the use of AI in cryptocurrencies, addressing concerns related to transparency, bias, and discriminatory outcomes. Striking a balance between the benefits of AI and preserving user privacy and ethical practices is essential for fostering trust in this convergence.

Challenge: Balancing the need for transparency and accountability with user privacy is a critical challenge. Regulatory frameworks must ensure that AI-powered cryptocurrency systems adhere to privacy regulations and ethical standards.

Interoperability and Standards:

Interoperability among different blockchain networks and AI platforms is crucial for seamless integration and collaboration. However, achieving interoperability and establishing common standards across disparate systems pose challenges. Overcoming these challenges requires collaboration between industry stakeholders, standardization bodies, and open-source initiatives to ensure interoperability and promote the development of universally compatible systems.

Education and Awareness:

Increasing education and awareness about cryptocurrencies and AI technologies is essential for their widespread adoption. Many people still have limited knowledge and misconceptions about these technologies. Providing accessible educational resources, fostering innovation-friendly environments, and promoting awareness campaigns are necessary to overcome the barriers of understanding and create a knowledgeable user base.

Addressing these challenges requires collective efforts from industry leaders, researchers, policymakers, and the wider community. By addressing scalability, regulatory clarity, trust, ethics, interoperability, and education, we can unlock the full potential of the convergence between cryptocurrencies and AI, paving the way for a future where intelligent financial systems transform our daily lives.


The convergence of cryptocurrencies and AI represents a transformative force that is reshaping the future of money. From fraud detection and market analysis to smart contracts and automation, the applications are far-reaching. However, challenges such as data privacy, ethics, and adoption must be addressed

10 Steps to Secure Your Bitcoin Investments in 2023: Enhancing Investment Security



In 2023, ensuring the security of your Bitcoin investments has become paramount. As the value of Bitcoin continues to rise, so does the risk of theft and unauthorized access. To safeguard your digital assets, it is crucial to implement effective security measures. This article provides you with ten essential steps to secure your Bitcoin investments in 2023, offering peace of mind and protecting your financial future.

Step 1: Choose a Secure Wallet:

Select a wallet that suits your needs and provides robust security features. Cold wallets, such as hardware wallets, offer offline storage and enhanced protection against online threats. Hot wallets provide convenience but ensure you opt for reputable providers with strong security measures.

Step 2: Safeguard Your Seed Phrase:

Your seed phrase is the key to accessing your Bitcoin wallet. Store it offline in a secure location and avoid any digital exposure. A physical backup, written on paper, is highly recommended.

Step 3: Implement Strong Passwords and Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

Create strong, unique passwords for your Bitcoin accounts. Utilize a password manager to generate and securely store complex passwords. Enable 2FA to add an extra layer of protection to your accounts, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

Step 4: Be Cautious of Phishing Attempts:

Remain vigilant against phishing attempts that aim to deceive and steal your Bitcoin. Avoid clicking on suspicious links, verify website URLs before entering sensitive information, and be cautious of unsolicited communications. Trust official sources and never share your private keys.

Step 5: Stay Informed about Security Best Practices:

Stay updated on the latest security best practices in the Bitcoin community. Engage with reputable sources, forums, and online communities to gain insights into emerging threats and effective protective measures.

Step 6: Regularly Back Up Your Wallet:

Frequently back up your Bitcoin wallet to ensure you can recover your funds if your device is lost or compromised. Store backups in multiple secure locations, utilizing encryption and offline storage options.

Step 7: Utilize Hardware Wallets and Cold Storage:

Consider using hardware wallets, which provide secure offline storage for your Bitcoin. Hardware wallets keep your private keys offline, safeguarding them from potential online threats. Store them in a physically secure location, such as a safe or vault.

Step 8: Use Firewall and Antivirus Software:

Protect your devices and online activities by using a reliable firewall and up-to-date antivirus software. These security measures help prevent malware and unauthorized access to your Bitcoin wallet.

Step 9: Exercise Caution with Public Wi-Fi:

Avoid accessing your Bitcoin accounts or conducting transactions over public Wi-Fi networks. Public networks may lack adequate security measures, making them vulnerable to eavesdropping and hacking attempts. If necessary, use a virtual private network (VPN) for secure connections.

Step 10: Continuously Educate Yourself about Bitcoin

Security: Stay proactive in your understanding of Bitcoin security by continually educating yourself. Stay updated on emerging threats, new security features, and industry best practices. Expand your knowledge through reliable online resources, tutorials, and expert insights.


In 2023, securing your Bitcoin investments is vital to protect your digital wealth By following these ten steps, including selecting secure wallets, implementing strong passwords and 2FA, staying informed about security best practices, and utilizing cold storage options, you can enhance the safety of your Bitcoin holdings. Stay cautious, adapt to changing security landscapes, and protect your financial future in the world of cryptocurrencies.

What Is Evrmore? A Simple Solution For Decentralized Finance

What is Evrmore?

Evrmore (EVR) is a new blockchain with a simple solution for decentralized finance (DeFi). EVR is a fork of the Ravencoin blockchain, which relies on the use of primitives for the creation and transfer of digital assets. The use of asset primitives combined with newly added functionality will allow EVR to provide a simple DeFi solution without the flaws inherent to general purpose smart contracts. See Evrmore’s whitepaper.

What is the Relationship Between Evrmore and Ravencoin?

The idea of Evrmore originated within the Ravencoin development community. The two blockchains share similar ethos, which explains why EVR is also an open source, Proof of Work (PoW), decentralized blockchain. Evrmore was launched on October 31, 2022 as a friendly fork of Ravencoin. On launch day the top 50,000 Ravencoin wallets became eligible to claim Evrmore at a rate of 1 EVR for 1 RVN. As a result, Evrmore instantly gained the attention, and in many cases the support, of the Ravencoin community.

Is Evrmore in Competition with Ravencoin?

Evrmore does not aim to replace Ravencoin, but rather co-exist while participating in a different niche – Decentralized finance. The friendly relationship between these two projects provides for a somewhat symbiotic relationship, where Evrmore benefits from all of Ravencoin’s code design to date. Whereas Ravencoin benefits from any code innovation introduced by Evrmore it chooses to adopt.

What is the difference Between Ravencoin and Evrmore?

Ravencoin was designed specifically for the purpose of tokenizing and transferring digital assets, utilizing blockchain technology. RVN natively supports assets in a much more efficiently manner than projects like Ethereum, which utilize general purpose smart contracts. Evrmore aims to participate in the DeFi space by providing enhancements not envisioned in Ravencoin’s road map. In short, EVR will be capable of providing DeFi functions such as partial order fulfillment, stop-limit orders, interest rates, options and futures contracts, and many other useful financial primitives.

Complex and Vulnerable Smart Contracts Vs Simple and Secure Primitives

Although general purpose smart contracts are hugely popular, these are unnecessarily complex and introduce security risks and endless vulnerabilities. When it comes to tokenization, smart contracts are the wrong tool. Fortunately, asset tokenization can be handled simply and more securely by utilizing Bitcoin’s UTXO protocol design to handle assets – natively supported asset primitives.

A Better User Experience

When creating an asset using Ravencoin or Evermore, no coding or programming is necessary. The user simply fills in pre-defined information such as the name of the asset, the type of the asset, the number of units, etc. When using Evrmore’s DeFi features, the same simple user experience can be expected.

Evrmore Asset Creation

How can I buy Evrmore?

The easiest way to buy Evrmore is to transfer cryptocurrency (i.e. Bitcoin or Ravencoin) to Safe.trade, where you can exchange this crypto to EVR. Safe.trade is a non-KYC crypto marketplace.

How do I mine Evrmore?

Although EVR uses a different algorithm that Ravencoin, it shares many similarities. This means that if you are already familiar with mining Ravencoin, you can easily mine Evrmore. Below is a video by Jake Jaboreli on how to mine Evrmore.

Credit: Jake Jaboreli

Does Evrmore Support NFTs?

Yes, when Evrmore was launched it already had all the same functionalities Ravencoin has. This means users can mint main things like assets (think brand name), sub-assets (ideal for tokens and fungible assets), unique assets (NFTs) etc. The cost to create assets is as follows:

  • Main Assets – 500 EVR
  • Sub Assets – 100 EVR
  • Unique Assets – 5 EVR
  • Messaging Channel Assets – 100 EVR
  • Qualifier Assets – 1,000 EVR
  • Sub Qualifier Assets – 100 EVR
  • Restricted Assets – 1500 EVR

Where Can I Buy or Sell Evrmore NFTs?

EVRSea.io – a new marketplace for EVR NFTs launched this week. NFT artists and collectors still need to build the NFT ecosystem, but having an NFT marketplace within two weeks from launch is impressive.


Hopefully this article answered the question of what is Evrmore in sufficient detail. To learn more about evrmore visit https://evrmorecoin.org/ or join the community’s Discord server. If you hurry up you may be able to get your hands on an EVR OG CHIP!


Ravencoin Vs Bitcoin in 2022 – The Best POW Blockchains

Online searches for Ravencoin vs Bitcoin in 2022 are on the rise. To be clear, there’s no competition between these two amazing Proof of Work (POW) blockchains. Bitcoin is the indisputable king when it comes to digital money. Ravencoin serves an entirely different purpose, tokenization.

People in the crypto space are familiar with Bitcoin, as it is the dominant cryptocurrency by far.  Most people are also aware that Bitcoin has had many forks, some of which have led to the creation of new cryptocurrencies.  Cryptocurrencies that originated from Bitcoin include Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Bitcoin SV (BSV), and Bitcoin Gold (BTG).

What many don’t know is that Ravencoin is also a fork of Bitcoin.  As such, Ravencoin inherited many of characteristics of the most dominant chain in the cryptocurrency space.  Like Bitcoin, Ravencoin is a peer-to-peer blockchain fully decentralized blockchain.   

Why was Ravencoin Created?

As great as Bitcoin is, it wasn’t optimized for creating and transferring assets.  Thus, Ravencoin (white paper) was created specifically for the purpose of natively recognizing assets, such as tokens.  This means that Ravencoin can handle the creation and transfer of assets at the base layer and without the need for smart contracts.  See 13 Best Assets to Tokenize On the Blockchain.

Ravencoin Vs Bitcoin

Let’s do a high-level comparison of these two blockchains.  Here’s a Ravencoin Vs Bitcoin chart, as of 2022.

Ticker SymbolRVNBTC
Primary Use CaseTokenizationDigital money
Launch DateJanuary 3, 2018Jan 3, 2009
Consensus MechanismProof of WorkProof of Work
Blockchain Accounting ModelUTXOUTXO
Total Maximum Supply21 billion21 million
Block Reward2,500 RVN6.25 BTC
Block Time1 minute10 minutes
Block Size Limit2MB1MB
MinersGPU Miners – ASIC ResistantASIC Miners
Asset HandlingAsset AwareNot Asset Aware
Other FeaturesFair LaunchFair Launch
No Pre-MineNo Pre-Mine
True Open SourceTrue Open Source
Not a SecurityNot a Security
Ravencoin Vs Bitcoin

For more about RVN, including the block reward schedule see Ravencoin Tokenomics.

The bottom line is that Ravencoin Vs Bitcoin shouldn’t be a thing. Rather, Ravencoin is a fork of Bitcoin. Ravencoin is a decentralized POW blockchain, but created specifically for the purpose of handling digital assets – asset tokenization.

Commonly Asked Ravencoin Questions

How much will Ravencoin be worth in 5 Years

No one can answer this question with any degree of certainty.  What is known is that Ravencoin has been successful at becoming a truly decentralized cryptocurrency.  This is in part due to its anti-ASIC mining algorithm.  A large number of Ravencoin miners are regular people with a gaming computer capable of mining RVN.  This has led to the creation of a passionate community that strongly believes in Ravencoin’s tokenomics. 

In addition, the use case for Ravencoin is beginning to resonate in the investment space.  The market for tokenization is humongous.  Few cryptocurrencies are competing for this space, and out of these only Ravencoin handles assets at the base layer, without smart contracts. 

Based on this, it isn’t difficult to imagine Ravencoin becoming a top 10 cryptocurrency by market cap within the next 5 years.  For that to be the case, Ravencoin would need to be worth about $1.25.  That’s 35X based on today’s price. 

Will Ravencoin Reach 1 USD?

With cryptocurrencies nearly everything is possible.  I’d say that is possible for Ravencoin to reach the 1 USD mark, within the next five years, based on the logic mentioned above. 

Is Ravencoin a Bitcoin?

Definitely not.  As mentioned earlier, Ravencoin is a fork of Bitcoin that is optimized for handling digital assets.

Should I invest in Ravencoin?

Investing in cryptocurrencies is hardly an investment, but rather a speculation.  If you have extra money to speculate with, Ravencoin may be one of the better options at the current prices.  See also 10 Reasons to Invest in RVN.

What Makes Ravencoin Special?

What makes Ravencoin special is that it was designed specifically for tokenization.  You can tokenize anything, including stocks, real estate, collectibles and more.  To my knowledge no other coin was designed specifically for this purpose.  See Which Is The Best Tokenization Crypto. For this reason, Ravencoin handles assets extremely efficiently and without the need for smart contracts.  As many know, smart contracts can introduce many vulnerabilities that can lead to major losses.

Is Mining Ravencoin worth It?

For most of 2022 Ravencoin has been second in GPU mining profitability only to Ethereum.  And in the next few days Ethereum is going to switch from POW to POS.  In short, miners all over the world will either cease mining or will switch their rigs to some other crypto.  Ravencoin is poised to greatly benefit from this event. That’s because more hashrate will migrate from Ethereum to Raencoin, increaseing the security of the Ravencoin network.

Is Ravencoin an NFT?

No, Ravencoin is not an NFT, but it is arguably the best cryptocurrency to mint and trade NFTs.  With Ravencoin, NFTs are handled similarly to transfers of Bitcoin from one wallet to another.  This means that with Ravencoin you have true ownership of your NFT, rather than relying on a smart contract that can be modified at anytime by its creator. See Not your keys, not your NFTs.

Why is Ravencoin Going Up?

One of the reasons Ravencoin is going up is because Ethereum is switching from POW to POS.  As such, many miners are looking for the next best coin to mine.  One of the best and most profitable options is Ravencoin.

Who is the CEO of Ravencoin?

Ravencoin is not a company.  Therefore it has no CEO.  There’s an insider joke among Ravenites where people claim to be CEOs or people of influence within RVN.  But that’s just a joke.

Will Ravencoin go to Coinbase?

In my view Coinbase will have no choice but to list Ravencoin at some point.  However, don’t hold your breath.  The Ravencoin community submitted all the documentation required for Coinbase and other cryptocurrency marketplaces (i.e. Gemini) to be listed, but for some reason or another that hasen’t happened yet.

Stunning New Project META-Z by Artist Joaquin Chabers


Metaverse project Meta-Z by Artist Joaquin Chabers is a stunning work of art. Joaquin graciously agreed to answer a few questions about himself and about his ongoing Meta-Z project.

What can you share about yourself?

Hello Ravenites! First of all, I’d like to express my gratitude to each and everyone of you. Ever since I joined this vibrant community, you showed me nothing but support, guidance, and encouragements.

The name’s Joaquin, born and raised in the south of France. Throughout my life I was fortunate to travel, study and work in many places around the globe; The United States, England, and Germany to mention a few. My occupation for the past 20 years was a Physics teacher which I loved and enjoyed. I also worked as a part-time software engineer and gained a lot of experience that helped shape my interest in creating art.

Nowadays, I am back to my roots, to the family’s farm carrying out my father’s legacy and embracing this new & reviving journey in the crypto space as an NFT artist and an aspiring filmmaker.

When did you discover you were into art?

My interest in art has always lingered within ever since I was young. One of the fundamental moments that sparked my love for both physics and art was when I visited a science & space museum with my schoolmates at the age of 14 years old, and was captivated by atoms and galaxies and how something so raw could be visualized in such an artistic manner.

How long have you been doing digital art?

Throughout my twenties and thirties I was doing digital art as an outlet to unwind, learning new techniques and trying out new software along the way while shaping my skills.

The most decisive period was in 2020/2021, when the pandemic occurred. I spent most of my days indoors and decided to revive my passion for art & creating, and after hours of research I found the Ravencoin community and knew this is an ecosystem I want to build my project atop its fundamentals.

What inspires?

My wife & kids are the first source of my inspiration and motivation. Their love for life & kindness is simply uplifting.

Our community members, including our talented artists & developers are another source of inspiration as I witness their persistence and hard work daily, learn from them and admire their consistency and the shared goal of building a solid ground for projects to flourish on the Ravencoin blockchain.

As for who inspired my artistic journey, individuals like Jean-Michel Basquiat, Salvador Dalí, and Nikola Tesla had a great impact on me while growing up and still inspire me with their style & character to this day.

What or who influences your art?

That is a sophisticated question I must say! Both nature & science influence my artworks. I try my best to deliver a message with every new creation about my hopes & aspirations, and how I imagine the future of mankind.

What can you share about your process for art creation?

That is a topic I wanted to share with the community for awhile now, and I’m glad I’m able to shed some light on it today’s interview.

My process for art creation adapts to the nature & complexity of the artwork itself: For example, if I’m working on a 3D/AR project, I save the complex parts for early in the morning when I start my day at 5am and meditate, then work on the complex aspects of the artwork for up to 3 hours then begin my day and repeat the process the next following days until the there’s nothing left but those cosmetic touches that I enjoy doing in the evening with my kids around me so they can see the creation coming to life in the moment.

Overall, keeping my workstation tidy & neat, with medium lighting and calm music playing in the background, and of course a cup of coffee near me helps create the atmosphere I need and boosts my creativity.

Why do you use RVN?

As an artist, and despite being new in the NFT space, the Ravencoin ecosystem meets my needs. It is a code-fork of bitcoin with immutable ownership features, assets, censorship-proof, and a spectacular community to be part of. I don’t see myself building elsewhere other than Ravencoin.

What is your vision for the project you are working on?

The META-Z experience has been one of the greatest experiences thanks to our community! My vision for this project is to bring more utility to NFTs and gaming on the blockchain, and to be able to tell a story and help shape a better future where liberty, privacy, and financial freedom are not a privilege, but a fundamental right for all humanity.

How does the project connect to the NFT space?

NFTs are the backbone of the META-Z project, each one represents an essential segment of the storyline & the upcoming game and the open metaverse alike. With in-game property ownership, these NFTs are the immutable proof, secured via Ravencoin IPFS nodes insuring their existence.

What are some of your goals in this space?

My main goal is to build a shared collaborative space for our community on the Ravencoin blockchain. A place for artists, developers, and simply everyone to leave a lifetime legacy for the next generation to come.

What would you say to other artists that may be considering minting NFTs, but don’t know how to start?

To my fellow artists and everyone who wants to start but feels hesitant, or feels like this space is too big or too complicated, take that first step and you’ll not regret it. It only takes that very first step to embrace a whole new experience. Don’t be afraid to approach others, ask questions, and even make errors that you’ll learn from. We all started somewhere, and NOW is always the perfect moment.

Come join us and we’ll welcome you with open arms, guide you, and help you in every way we can.

Any last words?

I’d like to thank you for this opportunity to share my thoughts and goals. Being part of this community has taught me many lessons and helped me evolve as an artist, and as a person. Keep building, keep inspiring.

All my links for NFTs, social channels, and contact info can be found here: https://linktr.ee/jqn.io

Thank you Joaquin! I am eager to see what the future will bring for you in this incredible space.

To our readers, I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know Artist Joaquin Chabers and learning about his exciting project Meta-Z. Please consider supporting him. For other related articles see:

Interview with NFT Artist Nifty Synth

Interview With Popular Pixel Artists Using Ravencoin

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