Metaverse project Meta-Z by Artist Joaquin Chabers is a stunning work of art. Joaquin graciously agreed to answer a few questions about himself and about his ongoing Meta-Z project.
What can you share about yourself?
Hello Ravenites! First of all, I’d like to express my gratitude to each and everyone of you. Ever since I joined this vibrant community, you showed me nothing but support, guidance, and encouragements.
The name’s Joaquin, born and raised in the south of France. Throughout my life I was fortunate to travel, study and work in many places around the globe; The United States, England, and Germany to mention a few. My occupation for the past 20 years was a Physics teacher which I loved and enjoyed. I also worked as a part-time software engineer and gained a lot of experience that helped shape my interest in creating art.
Nowadays, I am back to my roots, to the family’s farm carrying out my father’s legacy and embracing this new & reviving journey in the crypto space as an NFT artist and an aspiring filmmaker.
When did you discover you were into art?
My interest in art has always lingered within ever since I was young. One of the fundamental moments that sparked my love for both physics and art was when I visited a science & space museum with my schoolmates at the age of 14 years old, and was captivated by atoms and galaxies and how something so raw could be visualized in such an artistic manner.
How long have you been doing digital art?
Throughout my twenties and thirties I was doing digital art as an outlet to unwind, learning new techniques and trying out new software along the way while shaping my skills.
The most decisive period was in 2020/2021, when the pandemic occurred. I spent most of my days indoors and decided to revive my passion for art & creating, and after hours of research I found the Ravencoin community and knew this is an ecosystem I want to build my project atop its fundamentals.
What inspires?
My wife & kids are the first source of my inspiration and motivation. Their love for life & kindness is simply uplifting.
Our community members, including our talented artists & developers are another source of inspiration as I witness their persistence and hard work daily, learn from them and admire their consistency and the shared goal of building a solid ground for projects to flourish on the Ravencoin blockchain.
As for who inspired my artistic journey, individuals like Jean-Michel Basquiat, Salvador Dalí, and Nikola Tesla had a great impact on me while growing up and still inspire me with their style & character to this day.
What or who influences your art?
That is a sophisticated question I must say! Both nature & science influence my artworks. I try my best to deliver a message with every new creation about my hopes & aspirations, and how I imagine the future of mankind.

What can you share about your process for art creation?
That is a topic I wanted to share with the community for awhile now, and I’m glad I’m able to shed some light on it today’s interview.
My process for art creation adapts to the nature & complexity of the artwork itself: For example, if I’m working on a 3D/AR project, I save the complex parts for early in the morning when I start my day at 5am and meditate, then work on the complex aspects of the artwork for up to 3 hours then begin my day and repeat the process the next following days until the there’s nothing left but those cosmetic touches that I enjoy doing in the evening with my kids around me so they can see the creation coming to life in the moment.
Overall, keeping my workstation tidy & neat, with medium lighting and calm music playing in the background, and of course a cup of coffee near me helps create the atmosphere I need and boosts my creativity.
Why do you use RVN?
As an artist, and despite being new in the NFT space, the Ravencoin ecosystem meets my needs. It is a code-fork of bitcoin with immutable ownership features, assets, censorship-proof, and a spectacular community to be part of. I don’t see myself building elsewhere other than Ravencoin.
What is your vision for the project you are working on?
The META-Z experience has been one of the greatest experiences thanks to our community! My vision for this project is to bring more utility to NFTs and gaming on the blockchain, and to be able to tell a story and help shape a better future where liberty, privacy, and financial freedom are not a privilege, but a fundamental right for all humanity.
How does the project connect to the NFT space?
NFTs are the backbone of the META-Z project, each one represents an essential segment of the storyline & the upcoming game and the open metaverse alike. With in-game property ownership, these NFTs are the immutable proof, secured via Ravencoin IPFS nodes insuring their existence.

What are some of your goals in this space?
My main goal is to build a shared collaborative space for our community on the Ravencoin blockchain. A place for artists, developers, and simply everyone to leave a lifetime legacy for the next generation to come.
What would you say to other artists that may be considering minting NFTs, but don’t know how to start?
To my fellow artists and everyone who wants to start but feels hesitant, or feels like this space is too big or too complicated, take that first step and you’ll not regret it. It only takes that very first step to embrace a whole new experience. Don’t be afraid to approach others, ask questions, and even make errors that you’ll learn from. We all started somewhere, and NOW is always the perfect moment.
Come join us and we’ll welcome you with open arms, guide you, and help you in every way we can.
Any last words?
I’d like to thank you for this opportunity to share my thoughts and goals. Being part of this community has taught me many lessons and helped me evolve as an artist, and as a person. Keep building, keep inspiring.
All my links for NFTs, social channels, and contact info can be found here:
Thank you Joaquin! I am eager to see what the future will bring for you in this incredible space.
To our readers, I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know Artist Joaquin Chabers and learning about his exciting project Meta-Z. Please consider supporting him. For other related articles see:
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